Resveratrol Health Benefits: Are You Buying The Hype?

Resveratrol is a compound largely found in skin of red grapes. It is a component of an oriental medicine, ko-jo-kon, which is mainly used to treat diseases, associated with blood vessels, liver and heart. This essential nutrient gained widespread attention during the mid-1990s as a possible explanation for “French Paradox” – the reduced incidences of heart diseases amongst the French people who consumed a relatively high-fat diet. Ever since then resveratrol has been touted by the scientific researchers as a powerful antioxidant and phytoestrogen.

Resverastrol Supplements

Getting Enough Of This Nutrient

Although, present in plant sources, such as lily, eucalyptus and spruce and food sources, such as peanuts and mulberries, the richest sources of resveratrol includes, muscadine grapes, Vitis vinifera and labrusca, which are the common varieties used for wine preparations. It is found in the roots, stalks and seeds, but the richest source of resveratrol are the skin that contains around 50 micrograms to 100 micrograms of this nutrient per gram.

As stated earlier, resveratrol is a phytoalexin, which is defined as a class of antibiotic compounds that are produced as a result of plant’s defense mechanism against various diseases. For instance, resveratrol is synthesized by malonyl CoA and p-coumaroyl CoA from the plants to fight away the invading fungus. Also, as fungal infections are common incidences in colder regions, so grapes produced in colder regions are supposed to have higher resveratrol concentrations.

Today, you can avail the many benefits of resveratrol uses in the form of resveratrol supplements. Here again, you can opt for sole resveratrol supplement or supplements that offer resveratrol in combination with other essential vitamins and minerals. You can also explore the many resveratrol health benefits in the form of skin creams.

The labels of most of the resveratrol supplements available in the market show that the supplements contain 20 to 500 mg of resveratrol per serving. However, the purity level of all these resveratrol supplements is not known and as there is no strict regulation for dietary supplements, so you should not assume the labeled dosage to be accurate.

Resveratrol Health Benefits

Understanding The Resveratrol Health Benefits

Resveratrol may help in expanding the blood vessels and it may also serve to limit the activity of the cells required for blood clotting. According to various studies, it has been revealed that resveratrol may also help in decreasing inflammation. And though resveratrol uses are many, the key benefits of this nutrient include –

  • Cardiovascular Health Benefits Of Resveratrol

Research suggests that consumption of alcohol, especially red wine, may actually reduce the incidences of coronary heart diseases. Here, it should be noted that most of the resveratrol health benefits are due to its powerful antioxidant properties. Also, it is widely being claimed that as resveratrol contains highly lipophilic and hydrophilic properties, so it may prove much more effective in providing cardiovascular protection than other common antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E. On the other hand, resveratrol is less potent than the antioxidants epicatechin and quercetin, which is found in red wine. Lowered platelet aggregation has been observed in studies based on resveratrol, which can help prevent atherosclerosis. It should however be noted that there are still not enough evidences to draw practical conclusions about resveratrol health benefits.

  • Anti- Aging Effects

According to laboratory tests performed on mice, increased survival and reduced incidences of several diseases and other conditions associated with aging were revealed. Results to these studies, however, are still contradictory. Positive results have been found in mice that were fed low-calorie and high-fat diet. In 2009, after reviewing the studies conducted on animals, the highly respected Medical Studies concluded that resveratrol does produce the same effects as are produced by calorie restricted diet, which have reduced the incidence of age-related diseases in animal. However, whether it has any of these benefits in humans still has to be established.

Resveratrol Uses – Staying Cautious

Although, various laboratory tests have concluded that resveratrol may prove beneficial in preventing cardiovascular diseases, there are still a number of reasons as to why its increasing demand is premature.

  • The research conducted on resveratrol uses has mostly been for short-term and has been performed in vitro and not on human models.
  • There is no clear insight upon absorption and clearance of resveratrol, its effect on metabolic processes as well as liver.
  • Red wine is its main dietary source. This means, not only is its concentration in red wine variable, but consuming too much of red wine to boost your resveratrol levels could certainly do more harm than good.


Are Resveratrol Supplements Really Helpful or Just a Myth?

Resveratrol has gained a lot of attention lately for its immense health benefits. A member of a group of plant compound named as polyphenols, it is believed to have powerful antioxidant properties, which help protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals and certain other conditions such as heart diseases and cancer. An important nutrient, resveratrol is mainly found in grape skin, berries as well as peanuts.

As resveratrol health benefits are many, so it’s not at all surprising that why so many manufacturers are trying to bank upon resveratrol by selling resveratrol supplements.

Advertisements touting various resveratrol uses offered by resveratrol supplements promises customers everything from weight loss to good health and longevity. All this hype raises only one question – Are resveratrol supplements capable enough to deliver the promised resveratrol health benefits or it’s just another hoax?

Resveratrol Health Benefits – Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Resveratrol has gained a widespread popularity mainly because of its anti-aging and disease combating properties. Early research on various resveratrol uses, performed on animals as well as in test-tubes suggest that this incredible nutrient may help protect the body against a number of diseases, some of which include –

  • Heart Diseases – Resveratrol has shown to reduce inflammation, while preventing oxidation of LDL or “bad cholesterol” and makes it hard for the platelets to stick together and coagulate to form clots which can lead to heart attack.
  • Cancer – It is believed that resveratrol helps limit the spread of cancer cells and also triggers the process of apoptosis that cancer cell death.
  • Alzheimer’s Diseases – Another one of resveratrol uses include protection of nerve cells from the buildup and damage of plaque, which can eventually cause Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Diabetes – This nutrient may help prevent insulin resistance, which if left untreated may work as a precursor to diabetes.

Various studies performed on rodents show that resveratrol might even prove helpful in fighting against the effects of some of the unhealthy lifestyle practices, thereby promoting health and longevity.

Resveratrol health benefits don’t just end there. Research has also linked resveratrol with prevention of age-related diseases, such as insulin resistance and heart problems. It is believed that resveratrol helps activate the SIRT1 gene, which triggers a biological mechanism which helps protect the body against the harmful effects of obesity and age related diseases.

Staying Safe With Resveratrol Supplements

Amidst all the resveratrol hype, the fact remains, that so far, only a limited number of studies have been performed to verify the health effects of resveratrol supplements on humans. This makes it difficult even for the health care providers to confirm the benefits as well as the side effects caused by resveratrol supplements on prolonged use.

So far, the studies have not revealed any side effects of resveratrol supplements. Taking abusive doses of the same is still not recommended. It is important to note that resveratrol supplements might interact with other medications, such as anti-inflammatory medicines ad blood thinners and increase the risk of bleeding.

Making The Most Of Resveratrol Uses

Similar to other supplements, even resveratrol supplements are not regulated by the FDA. So, if you are buying a bottle of resveratrol supplement, it would be difficult for you to know what exactly are you getting and whether the product will be as effective as claimed to be. Also, there is no specific dosage recommendation for resveratrol and as such the dosages might vary for different supplement brands.

According to recent studies, resveratrol dosages offered by most supplement brands are far below the amounts which deliver optimal health results. To make the most of the resveratrol uses, you would have to consume around 2g or more resveratrol every day. Most importantly, it is advisable you consult your health care provider before beginning resveratrol supplementation to make the most of your health.