An Overview Of Best Vitamin For Skin Health

Skin can be regarded as the mirror of the human body as a healthy skin comes from the inside out. Skin is the body’s largest organ with a surface area of approximately two square meters acting as a body protector. The eating habits of a person will reflect on his/her body and any unhealthy eating habits will show on the surface of the skin in the form of dull, discolored, and oily skin. Therefore, it is important to be careful about your food habits. Bodies that are nourished with whole foods containing the recommended amount of vitamins help a person in displaying a much healthier appearance both within the body and outside of his/her body (especially on the appearance of the skin).


Skin Health

Vitamin for skin health

The skin of a human body is a fingerprint of what is going inside it. All skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne and aging are the manifestations of the body’s internal needs in terms of nutrition and the genetic makeup of the body. To get or display a much healthier appearance of skin it is important to have well-balanced diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential elements. When combined with a good diet and the right dietary supplements the skin looks not only beautiful but also prevents it from aging. Rapid aging of skin has emerged as the most common signs of skin in the form of tell tale signs such as wrinkles, age spots, fine lines, and discoloration in addition in decreased skin elasticity.

Dermatologists the world over recommend a healthy diet that is rich and best vitamin for skin health and other nutrients that help in nourishing the skin. These vitamins can be taken in supplement form or can be applied directly on the skin in addition to the daily intake of healthy diet. The following below mentioned vitamins are good for skin nutrition and these include-

Vitamin A – Vitamin A is a vital nutrient that is necessary for the maintenance and repair of skin tissue. Deficiency in Vitamin –A intake may result in dry, flaky complexion of the skin. Foods that are rich in Vitamin A include sweet potatoes, carrots, dark and leafy vegetables. Vitamin –A is believed to slow the aging process and Vitamin A in the form of lotions when used on the skin can help control the acne and reduce lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C is the best vitamin for skin health and is among the most important and a new dermatological discovery that works by reducing the damage caused by free radicals that eats up the collagen and elastin the fibers that support the skin structure resulting in wrinkles and other signs of aging. Vitamin C is found in abundance in citrus fruits, leafy greens, cauliflower, mangoes, tomatoes, strawberries etc. Vitamin C helps in building up the collagen production in the body.

Vitamin E – Vitamin E like Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps in reducing the harmful effects of the sun on the skin. Research shows that a daily intake of 400 units of Vitamin E in the form of food or supplement reduces the risk of production of cancer causing cells. Adding nuts, spinach, olives to your daily diet will help in reducing the wrinkles of the skin and making it smoother.

Vitamin K – This Vitamin can also be termed as one of the best vitamin for skin health. Taking Vitamin K supplements or applying them topically works well in reducing circles under the eyes as well as in reducing bruises of the skin. Green leafy vegetables are rich source of Vitamin K.

Does Your Body Desire For A Vitamin Supplement?

Let Us Find Out What Essential Role Does Vitamins Play In Life

With all the goods in life, comes the bad and thus, the same applies to the body health, which comes with the goodness of nutrition and health-boosting way of living and the same leaves with the growing age or any malnutrition. Yes! With the nutrition leaving your body, in the process where you skip healthy food for junks, the body loses its health gradually and become weak and highly prone to diseases. Vitamins are such nutrients that can make us or brake us, in the matter of fact that each vitamin when taken in proper measures, help in maintaining a healthy body and support numerous biological processes. A minute deficiency of the same may lead to health hazards, for example, skin ageing, weak teeth, coronary heart disorders, diabetes, arthritis, etc.

Hence, to prevent the body from all these, vitamin and supplements for health play a great role, which makes it clear why people depend upon multivitamins in later stages.

Why does the body require vitamin supplement?

• Helps fighting from illness and infections

• Improves bone health

• Prevents from cognitive diseases

• Enhances body immunity and metabolism

• Protects from cardiovascular diseases

• Prevents from diabetes and age related macular degeneration


Vitamins And Supplements


Let us know what is the vitamin supplement that your body desire


Vitamin-A is a fat-soluble nutrient, which helps in the formation and maintenance of healthy bones, teeth, skin and soft tissues. Some other benefits include:

• Curing the viral and bacterial infections

• Prevents night blindness

• Keeps hair and nails healthy

• Promotes healthy eye-sight


There are eight B vitamins, with each having benefits of their own.

1. B1 (thiamine)

This helps in converting the glucose into energy and promotes a better nervous system development.

2. B2 (riboflavin)

This vitamin helps promote healthy skin and better eyesight. It is also responsible for producing energy.

3. B3 (niacin)

This converts the fats and carbohydrates into energy. This helps keep the nervous and digestive system healthy. B3 is also essential to provide some benefits to the skin.

4. B5 (Pantothenic acid)

B5 helps in the production of steroid hormones and red blood cells. This helps in metabolizing the fats, carbohydrates and proteins in a better way.

5. B6 (pyridoxine)

This helps in the production of RBC and brain chemicals that enhances the brain function and development. It also promotes a better immune system.

6. B7 (biotin)

Also called vitamin-H, biotin helps in energy metabolism is promoted with this vitamin. Higher intake of biotin may lead to raising cholesterol levels.

7. B9 (folic acid/folate)

This helps in enhancing the production of RBCs, which promotes better nervous system, synthesis of DNA and growth of cells. This is important for the women in their pregnancy.

8. B12 (cyanocobalamin)

B12 enhances the mental ability and RBC formation. This also helps the body to produce enough energy to stay fit and active.


This is known as ascorbic acid that helps in protecting the cell health due to its anti-oxidant properties. Other properties include:

• Healthy teeth and gums

• Improves absorption of iron

• Resists infections

• Heals the wounds quickly


This is a sun vitamin, which is important for bone health. It is important for the following advantages on health:

• Prevention from osteoporosis

• Healthy and strong bones

• Improved immune system

• Helps the calcium absorption in bones


Vitamin-E is next among the antioxidant vitamins, which help in:

• Encouraging cell growth

• Protecting them from the damage by free radicals

• Slows the premature ageing of skin


With its property to control the traffic of calcium in body, vitamin-K is one of the most essential vitamins that keep a healthy heart and promotes skin health.

However, the other essential benefits include:

• Promoting bone strength

• Prevents from blood clots

• Taken with vitamin-E, it helps in repairing the damaged muscle cells

However, there is no doubt that all vitamins and supplements are beneficial, one must also take care of their purity and originality along with the benefits they provide.